Thursday, March 10, 2011

April - this is for you!

Someone find where this prepubescent crooner is going to be in concert. I feel a roadtrip coming on.


  1. LOL! Thank you, Val - that just made my night! How did you ever come across this guy? Did you Google "Looking for a country boy to love me?" :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes, that is exactly what I did. Dating websites are dumb. Random google searches is where it's at. How are you supposed to get what you want if you don't blatently ask for it...or XM Radio. Whichever you find more promising.

  4. Hey Wal - just watching the bachelor here and they're asking for people to apply for the upcoming season. I TOTALLY think you should throw your hat in the ring. You'd slap some sense into reality TV!! Come on... I dare ya!

  5. Ambre - I appreciate your vote, but I think I'd be better suited for that show a few years ago that was for 'real' sized women. And OMG, can you picture me cleaning house with all those stupid emotional girls! The idea has me just about interested enough to fill out the online questionaire...unfortunately I'd come off as the, I'm not here to make friends' one likes her.
